4 Supply Chain Trends to Watch for in 2021

It’s January; the start of a new year. For many of us in the logistics and freighting industries, it’s a time to take a deep look into the analytics from the last few quarters of 2020 and make appropriate adjustments to the supply chain. However, last year was more than what we would ever call a “standard year”.

2020 has taught us that we need to be prepared for just about anything. In order to operate or be a part of a successful supply chain, it is important to keep an eye out for any upcoming trends that may occur throughout the year, but to say that “2020 changed the way supply chains do business forever” is an understatement.

For a McAllen logistics company like Lean Cargo Logistics, paying attention to these new trends is a priority and should be for any other partner in the supply chain if they want to succeed from here on out.


1. Expect to Become More Sustainable to Ensure Success in the New Year

In today’s society, going green is important to most millennials. In fact, shifting towards being environmentally friendly and eco-aware is something that could be profitable throughout 2021 and beyond. Not only will this generate more business and be more cost-effective to your daily operations, but it will also be better for the environment and protect the Earth’s natural resources as well.

2. Flexibility in Supply Chains Must Improve

If there’s one thing that COVID-19 has taught us, it’s how to be flexible and adapt to any situation at hand. The supply chain is no different in this case and should be treated as if it can handle anything that is thrown it’s way, be it natural disasters or increased demand.

Just as before the pandemic hit, those in the supply chain need to be prepared to change shipments, routes, and other on-demand customizations. By becoming more flexible, the supply chain will cater to more businesses, which, in return, will increase revenue. 

3. Supply Chain-as-a-Service Will Be More in Demand

It’s no secret that many supply chain businesses handle the bulk of their work in-house, but because of 2020--and more specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic--outsourcing certain tasks is looking to become a lot more mainstream.

Executives predict that manufacturing, logistics, inventory management, and distribution will become a priority for many businesses, giving rise to the supply chain-as-a-service business model. This model may be able to help businesses whose supply chains were disrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. Stronger Technological Advances and Machine Learning Will Sweep 2021

If there’s one thing that will be prevalent in 2021, it is increased technology. Technology in supply chains makes everything run smoother and more streamlined. AI will be able to handle all of the tedious work, which will allow for greater productivity levels, faster completion, improved inventory management, and better customer relations. 

As we continue into the new year it is important to watch for these significant changes. Paying attention to supply chain trends will help you better prepare for whatever 2021 has to offer. 


Lean Cargo Logistics has strengthened the customer's supply chain since 2014. We are committed to getting our customer’s cargo to its destination as fast and efficient as possible, while ensuring that we always surpass their expectations. 

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