What Are the Differences Between Interstate and Intrastate Trucking?

Interstate trucking, as the name implies, is trucking that occurs from one state to another. Intrastate trucking, on the other hand, involves shipments being transported within the same state. You might not realize it, but these two types of shipments are subject to very different rules.

Keep reading to learn more about the differences between interstate and intrastate trucking from your McAllen cargo transport company.


Federal Regulations vs. Texas Regulations

Cargo transportation inside Texas is governed by Texas Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (TMCSR), but interstate trucking is subject to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR). In general, federal regulations are more strict than intrastate regulations:

  • Truckers can drive for a maximum of 12 hours following 8 consecutive hours off-duty under the TMCSR, but interstate truckers are limited to a maximum of 11 hours of driving time following a 10-hour off-duty period.
  • Farm vehicles traveling within Texas are exempt from the TMCSR if they have a gross weight of under 48,000 lbs. There is no federal exemption for farm vehicles.
  • For truckers traveling within Texas, the minimum liability insurance requirements are from $300,000 to $5,000,000. The federal minimum liability insurance requirement for truckers is from $750,000 to $5,000,000.
  • Truckers traveling between states may not drive after being on duty for 15 hours.

Along with being subject to varying regulations, interstate carriers are also required to complete more registrations than intrastate carriers.


Intrastate Trucks vs. Interstate Trucks

There are also variations between intrastate and interstate cargo transportation based on which types of trucks are commonly used. While interstate shipping utilizes trucks equipped for long-hauls, intrastate shipping can involve many different types of trucks.

For both intrastate and interstate shipping, truckers may use dry vans, tankers, refrigerated trailers, semi-trucks, and flatbed trailers. Typically, only intrastate shipping will utilize tow trucks, garbage trucks, dump trucks, or concrete mixing trucks.


Paperwork Requirements

Federal laws also require truckers to keep additional records and documentation of their travel. This includes mileage records and fuel records. While some of this documentation is required in the form of physical paperwork, some can be maintained electronically.

For fuel purchases, these records include how much fuel was purchased and from what seller, the total price, the date, the buyer’s name, and the vehicle number.

For mileage, the records required are more extensive. Truckers are required to electronically record their GPS data, their routes, the distance traveled in each state, the vehicle number and ID, and the odometer, hubometer, and ECM readings. Truckers also have to keep paper records of their trips’ start, end, and routes, the total distance traveled, the distance traveled, dates, and the vehicle number and ID.


Get Your Cargo Where It Needs To Go With Lean Cargo Logistics

If you have cargo that needs to be shipped across state lines, we can handle it. Reach out to Lean Cargo today to learn how we can help you save money and take your business to the next level.

At Lean Cargo, we have the experience, equipment, and technology needed to meet all your cargo transportation needs.


Meet your cargo needs and take your business to the next level by reaching out to Lean Cargo Logistics.